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Skidmore College


by Anesu Mukombiwa '24

如果你六年前告诉我,我现在就坐在美国咖啡馆里了 现在,在离我现在就读的大学一英里左右的地方 creative writing 我在中国和希腊都有过学习经历, 我可能会深深皱起眉头,真心关心你的理智.

In very “is this poor person out of their mind?” fashion, I would have politely smiled 那天晚些时候,我把这个荒谬的建议告诉了我母亲,或者打电话给我 best friend to laugh with her about it. I would have done a number of things really, except for believing you.

我以最朴实、最诚挚的方式说这句话——我真的过着这样的生活 我没有雄心壮志的能力,也没有想象力去希望只有几个 years ago.

Anesu Mukombiwa ’24

我在小小的哈拉雷(津巴布韦的首都)长大,夏天有紫色的蓝花树和火烤 花生冬天,那种迫使我们挤在我家客厅里的冬天 看《火博体育官网》(一部南非肥皂剧)的重播,因为火博体育 that was warm — something about that was heating.

我爱Zim——我们喜欢这样称呼我们的国家——就像青少年爱他们的父母一样, with eye rolls and lots of silence. I loved it for granted; I know that now, but only because I’ve had nearly six years to miss it. 



我只记得16岁上半年的一点事,大部分都是 我迫不及待地等待着八月底启程去中国开始我的工作 United World Colleges experience. 我觉得我的一部分已经在我真正准备好之前离开了 to fly out. 我在云端的某个地方,建立并加深了我的期望, 让他们充满了各种各样的希望,比如看到中国的长城,或者一个真正的, really tall skyscraper.

我从来没有预料到的是,我真的可以做所有这些事情,甚至更多. It 这是改变人生的两年,充满了烦恼和快乐吗. When I 回想起我生命中的这段时间,我通常会想到两个词:醒来. I discovered 很多火博体育我自己的新事物,那些我可能从来没有接触过的东西 challenges of my early departure from my home; things that were only the beginning 我在火博体育的大学生活充满了激情.

I’ve always been a writer. 从我学会写作的那一刻起,我就想说出来 stories. 还没来得及讲,我就在祖母家聚精会神地听着 脚,大口喘气地看着那只吃了狒狒的兔子,生长着这初恋.

As soon as I saw Creative Thought Matters 在火博体育的网站上,尽管这看起来很俗气,但我确实知道这是 the school I wanted to go to. I applied Early Decision and got in. That’s it. That’s the application story. The marketing worked brilliantly on me, and I’m really not ashamed to admit it.

Coming to Skidmore was very, very weird. I was a first-year student 2020年(大流行的第一年),这是一个真正具有挑战性的一年 a lot of people, myself included. 这很艰难,很尴尬,我决定离开 为了在欧洲寻求一种不一样的大学体验 through College Year in Athens, a Skidmore-approved study abroad program. It was truly the best decision of my life.

我经常梦见我在国外的时光——特别是那个社区,它的扩张 雅典的猫,还有我经常向他招手的那个面带笑容的杂货店老板 my way back from school. 它给了我需要的重置,一个新的环境,一个 fresh perspective, and a renewed sense of hope.

当我回到火博体育校区读大三的时候,我觉得 又是一个一年级的学生——睁大眼睛,寻找,准备再试一次.

A photo of Anesu in Athens, Greece


作为一名国际学生在任何人和任何事情中寻找家,因为 that is the one thing you miss the most. I remember meeting some of my closest friends 现在,在我回国的第一个星期,感觉到了“家”的感觉. And I would meet 随着学期的进展,这类人越来越多.

My junior year was a year of rekindled things — home rekindled in friends; first love rekindled in creative writing workshops and English classes; song rekindled in a cappella rehearsals. I lathered myself in it — all the family 晚餐、音乐表演和论文写作.

With graduation 在地平线上,当我真的想翻开怀旧的时候,我想起了第一次 春假我是在校园里度过的,只在家里睡觉,洗澡,做功课 我剩下的时间住在我朋友的公寓里我们一起看电影,聊 几个小时什么都没有,感觉时间被暂停了,在这个陌生的地方 managed to become something of home.

把我送走又欢迎我回来,我感谢这个地方. Three and a half years in, Skidmore owes me nothing.