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Unsure about picking the right college? 莉兹·布拉克,24岁 was, too.

by 莉兹·布拉克,24岁

选择大学的过程可能很困难,做出正确选择的压力也很大 decision 可以 a challenge. Sometimes it might feel like you’re tasked with an impossible choice, but you do not have to do this alone. 

来自纽约东梅多(East Meadow)的24岁的利兹·布拉克特(Liz Bracht)分享了她的一些决定 火博体育 was the best choice for her. The psychology major also reminds prospective students, “we’ve all been t在这里.” 

家乡: East Meadow, New York 

主要: 心理学

未成年人: Dance and Periclean Honors Forum

Cocurricular activities: 手工艺随机行为,环境行动俱乐部,利益行动,伯里克利荣誉论坛, community/resident assistant, peer mentor, tour guide

How and why did you choose to come to 火博体育?  


我申请大学的时候,正值新冠肺炎疫情最严重的时候. 我申请 常规决定,因为COVID-19使今年成为大学申请非常不寻常的一年, and I feared committing to any school via 早期的决定 因为在我申请的近20所学校中,我只参观了几所. 我也发了 我在面试之前就递交了我的申请,面试真的对我产生了很大的影响 difference for me. I vividly remember feeling an overwhelming sense of relief after 对火博体育的采访,谈话内容丰富,但也很有趣. 而 而不是感到紧张或害羞,我觉得我可以把自己的全部带到 表. 


最后,是一系列因素影响了我对大学的选择. 火博体育a strong psychology program, which I wanted to pursue. Embedded in the curriculum are a ton of elective course 产品和研究机会-以及临床经验. 我不确定 我想研究心理学的哪个领域,但我喜欢这个探索的机会 多种渠道. 

从我记事起,我就一直是一名舞者,我不想放弃 ,. 在选择大学的时候,我记得我喜欢很多学校,然后成为 对其他学校的舞蹈课程仅限于萨尔萨舞俱乐部感到失望 (true story) or a dance team that performed at athletic events. Before coming to 火博体育, 我和一位舞蹈教授聊天, 确信我能够追求技术 课程,以及表演和编排的机会,无论是否 I chose to major, minor, or just take classes in dance.  

我现在和舞蹈系合作做研究,大概17岁吧 me could not have imagined. For me, research opportunities seemed like something accessible 只对从事科学研究的人开放,但在火博体育,我被赋予了权力 to do interdisciplinary research. 


T在这里 were also matters of location and size. I did not want to be at a big school 或者在大城市,但我也不想去一所校园里缺乏的大学 things to do or was in a place that felt isolated. When I first visited the campus 在火博体育,我从招生中感受到一种温暖——不仅仅是因为当时是夏天 counselors, ambassadors, and my lovely tour guide. I understood that a powerful sense of community and support existed 在这里. 萨拉托加温泉市 also seemed to be the perfect college town for me.  

你是如何克服最初对交朋友和宾至如归的担忧的 在这里?  

在一个陌生的地方,周围都是不熟悉的人,这听起来很可怕, 你能做的最好的事情就是参与其中,把自己展现出来.   

I did one of the SCOOP pre-orientation programs; it was great to try something outside 我的舒适区(住在树林里的小木屋里,徒步旅行,激流泛舟) and to have 20 familiar faces by the time I returned to campus. I also signed up for 几个 俱乐部 结识志趣相投的人,尽管这在当时很伤脑筋. 通过成为导游、RA和同伴导师,我也遇到了很多很棒的人. 

 不过,我认为找到你能为自己做的事情也很重要. 我喜欢做某事 比如在市中心散步,去Uncommon Grounds吃早餐. 它可以帮助 不仅在校园里,而且在萨拉托加地区,我都感到很舒服. 

What advice do you have for students considering 火博体育?  

 我认为任何一个正在寻找大学的学生都需要考虑如何 school meets their needs as a whole person — not just academically. I recommend considering 有几个因素:  

  • You should be confident that the 学者 有你想要的严谨程度和 你感兴趣的学科 pursuing are represented. 
  • 考虑到 周边地区; is it a place w在这里 you feel safe? Do you feel like t在这里 are things to do? 是 t在这里 opportunities for you to pursue? Do you feel like it’s the setting (e.g.,更多的 of a city, a town,更多的 rural, etc.)你想要?  
  • 考虑一下是否有你感兴趣的课程和/或机会 开始一个. 
  • Make sure t在这里 is support for finding internships, jobs, research, etc.  
  • Finally, ensure you feel like the “vibe” is a good fit for you; you must live t在这里 在一年中的大部分时间里,学校不仅要检查所有的学生,这一点很重要 盒子,但感觉像是一个地方,你可以在学术,社交,精神上茁壮成长, 和身体上. 

How have you changed since you first arrived 在这里?  

我有 grown tremendously. 我有 become a much more confident person, with a fantastically strong support network. I’ve matured a lot by being on my own and learning how to balance different tasks, responsibilities, and priorities. Part of this growth 有 来自于遇到的人,他们不仅在学术上挑战我,而且爱我,支持我 作为一个人的我.  

I’ve become more outgoing through working in admissions as a tour guide; 我有 been 能够与家庭互动和联系,我很荣幸能在人们的家庭中发挥作用 大学之旅. 和教授在一起,尽管会感到紧张和内向, 我已经看到并体验到在办公时间去问问题的价值. 我有 found that 这里的教授喜欢与学生接触,并开始进一步的对话 在教室里他们对我的信任使我成为一个更加外向的学生. 我有 在与我一起工作的员工中发现了很多支持,他们真的很关心人际关系 and the well-being of the students they interact with. Through a variety of avenues, I’ve also found such wonderful friends. 

Academically, 我有 become much more excited about learning. This past spring, as I was beginning my research in the 舞蹈部门有那么一刻,我把我在两三分钟里学到的东西联系起来了 different classes. I saw firsthand how interconnected elements from various disciplines 可以. 在高中,我有一个非常结构化的课程,这教会了我很多; 然而,有这么多的选项来填补这两个通用的类 火博体育的专业要求为我提供了学习课程的灵活性 about things I am curious, passionate, and excited to learn about. 的回收 学习的乐趣使教育的过程更加丰富.  

Growth is a continual process for me. But at 火博体育, I believe 我有 been able adapt and grow in a way that feels very true to myself.